Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all mums.... me included!

Every year, for special days like Mother's Day or my birthday, my daughter will draw and write a greeting for me in an art portfolio album that we set aside just for this. I got this album from Prints and the paper is of good acid-free cardstock quality. Here's this year's entry.

She also wrote a sweet little note on a smaller card (which I will stick in the album). In case you're wondering, Buttercup is the family dog, Chubbles was our hamster who passed on last year and the fishes are the 40 guppies that we have.

Anyway, it's mid-year school exam time here in Singapore so we just had time for a quick lunch, then it's home to finish up school assignments due tomorrow. Have songs to score (for one of my real job projects) but am taking a little breather to knit a bit while also supervising my daughter as she does her homework. I've joined the current Lion Brand Knit-Along online group and am knitting a bamboo cotton tank top!

Enjoy the rest of Sunday!

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