Saturday, June 15, 2013

Away on holiday!

Helloooo!  Haven't blogged in a while.  Apologies if you've been following and wondering about the silence.  Am away on a family holiday in Great Britain - getting inspiration from the lovely land of Gathered and Mollie Makes, two of my favourite crafty magazines!

It's my daughter's first ever visit to the UK so we're doing all things nice and touristy and fun for a just turned 9-year-old.  Am hoping to chance by a gorgeous quaint craft shop along the way!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all mums.... me included!

Every year, for special days like Mother's Day or my birthday, my daughter will draw and write a greeting for me in an art portfolio album that we set aside just for this. I got this album from Prints and the paper is of good acid-free cardstock quality. Here's this year's entry.

She also wrote a sweet little note on a smaller card (which I will stick in the album). In case you're wondering, Buttercup is the family dog, Chubbles was our hamster who passed on last year and the fishes are the 40 guppies that we have.

Anyway, it's mid-year school exam time here in Singapore so we just had time for a quick lunch, then it's home to finish up school assignments due tomorrow. Have songs to score (for one of my real job projects) but am taking a little breather to knit a bit while also supervising my daughter as she does her homework. I've joined the current Lion Brand Knit-Along online group and am knitting a bamboo cotton tank top!

Enjoy the rest of Sunday!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

My daughter's French knitting!

Busy busy weekend - sending my 8-year-old for dance rehearsals, collecting race packs for the upcoming Nike She Run, fetching same 8-year-old from dance, popping down to lend support for the dog adoption drive at the National Geographic Channel's Free Pet Shop event, collecting daughter's race pack for the Cold Storage Kids Run, sending said daughter to LOTR* children's choir rehearsal, sending husband to the airport, picking said daughter from LOTR rehearsals... Ok you get the idea!

* my daughter is singing in The Lord Of The Rings Live to Screen project in June! First time in Singapore - the movie will be screened to a live performance of the soundtrack by orchestra and choir!

Tried to squeeze in some knitting along the way. Managed to just do a swatch gauge for the Lion Brand Yarn Knit-Along that I've joined. Better than not doing any craft at all.

Anyway, here's a photo taken last December of my daughter and her French Knitting work! She had only just learnt to knit with the knitting nancy and was so pleased with what she made. We mailed a couple of the mini Christmas wreaths to the grandparents in Europe who proudly hung them on their tree!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Cupcake Invitation Cards

More photos from the past 2 years! Did an updated version of cupcake invitation cards for my daughter's 7th birthday party. I love my trusty Sizzix Big Shot!

The party had a cupcake theme, of course! The girls made mini cupcake fridge magnets and also got to decorate real cupcakes. I gotta go find the photos of their colourful creations - will post them when I find them.

Meanwhile, here are the pix of the cupcake cards and the birthday cake that I made - a giant cupcake, what else!

Have a lovely week!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hello blog, it's been awhile!

Busy. Living. Life. Three words why I haven't blogged in a lonnnnnngggg time. But no blogging doesn't mean no activity. I've actually been posting stuff on Facebook (although I'm sort of on a deliberate break from FB to get my life back, haha) and on Twitter.

So for a start, there's going to be a lot of photos posted that were taken a while back. And I'm going to go back to my original intention of focusing on my various craft stuff, baking, cooking and the like. And any quirky bits that strike my fancy.... like my escapades as a mother. Hee!

To kick off my return to my blog, here's a photo of some needle-felted bunnies that I designed and made to put in the goody bags for my daughter's 8th birthday party last year! (The party had a magician and his rabbit theme.) Poked my fingers don't-know-how-many-times but the girls liked the bunnies so it was worth it!

Have a fab weekend!