Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Look what my little girl made!

Am so proud of my 3-and-a-half-yr-old! She made this birthday card for my mum in January, pretty much all on her own, choosing the stamps, inks and peg embellishments, even cutting the stamped images by herself (I pencilled a simple outline for her to follow).

Also made this accordion tag for my mum, using K & Co's accordion tag kit. It features pictures of my little girl and grandma, and I also decided to cover the blank raw chipboard at the back with a simple layout of a sweet poem I found about grandmothers.

On a different note, I'm so tired with all the prep for the house move, the to- and fro-ing (and sadly, the correcting of mistakes) with renovation contractors - why can't they get things done properly and with care..aaargh!

Am probably bummed out most because I'm dying to scrap, make cards, alter stuff, basically do anything remotely crafty but simply don't have the time nor the space right now!

That's why I'm really looking forward to doing a class at an LSS this Friday - really need the breather.

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