Wednesday, March 12, 2008

2 weeks to go....

...before we move house. The rep from the moving company came this morning to do the assessment and it seems we'll need 5 days to complete the move!!!! Ok, so we have a lot of stuff... But what do you expect - we've lived in our apartment for 10 years, have a kid (read "toys everywhere") and I am an avid scrapper/paper crafter (read "stash hoarder", LOL!)....

On a different subject, N started at her new preschool yesterday. She seems happy and has already made friends. The only hiccup was her not wanting to eat her lunch. As I've arranged for her to be there full days for the next few weeks until we move house, she was quite pooped (happy sort of tired) and hungry when she got home that it was pretty easy to get her to have dinner and go to bed early. :)

Anyway, decided to take a break from clearing to post some pictures of some stuff I've made but never got around to posting.

This is the tag I made for ScrappinKidsCare A Tag! Charity project.

As I was still in the mood to quill, I made the tag above for my scrapping friend Angeline's daughter's first birthday.

Haha, this tag was made last year in November! It's a bag tag for a dear scrapping friend, the talented and creative Lia, for her birthday. Designed it so that the 2 sides looked different so you could choose which side to flip facing out depending on your mood or bag colour.

Hmmm... was going to post more photos but it's taking a bit too long and I've got to go back to my house move prep viz. sort, clear, purge, label... oh well, 2 weeks more...!

1 comment:

Wati Basri said...

tt ws an awesome tag!love it the moment i received it:)thanks for your support to SK Cares!